1. Opportunities of New Economies after COVID-19 & Ukraine War
Based on my previous blog "International Political Economics & New Economies", we'll have a massively different economic environment.2. Resources & Technologies and their Competition
2.1 Tradition Resources and New Resources => Electricity, Mines and metals, Semiconductors
2.2 Recovering from COVID-19 and New Industries (EV)
3. Redefine the Markets & Reform the Supply Chains
3.1 US-China economy decoupling3.2 New Technologies: Medical, AIoT, Military..
3.3 UN/WTO framework-> US vs. China allies
3.3 UN/WTO framework-> US vs. China allies
3.4 West (US/EU) against East (China/Russia) ?
4. Make Strategic Plans
4.1 Pick an Industry: EV- Components: Battery, chips (3rd generation), AI, metals
- Services: online/offline, maps, SoLoMo..
- Applications: Electricity system (car, house, network..)
4.2 Poter's Five Forces of Competition Framework
4.3 BCG's matrix (Squeeze cash cows & dogs, find new markets)
4.3 BCG's matrix (Squeeze cash cows & dogs, find new markets)
- Star-Like: Medical resources for covid-19 (mask,goggles, respirator, detection reagent, medicine, vaccine..), EV, 5G, AI, Military..
- Cash-Cow-like: eCommerce (Amazon/FB/Google/Twitter.., Platforms), Netflix,
- Question-Mark-like: Retailing, Traveling, Clothing..
- Dog-like: Retailing, Traveling, Clothing..